Serving small businesses, my community, and having fun.
— Emily Evans

Emily Evans

Founder + Solutions Engineer

As an employee benefits consultant and the founder of Emily Evans Consulting, I’m focused on being a solution engineer for my clients. Our specialty is employee benefits, but whatever creative solution you need, we can find it!

More About Your Employee Benefits Consultant

Beyond her role as an employee benefits consultant, Emily Evans is a B2B business development expert, successful entrepreneur, and inspirational leader and coach. Emily opened her employee benefits company in 2011, eventually establishing a sizeable clientele. In the process, she also built a strong team of people to serve the Phoenix Valley business community.

Emily helps small business owners choose the right employee benefits options and communicate with their employees. She has earned local and national awards related to sales, manpower development, and managerial excellence during her career.

Emily in the Community

Emily is also busy in her local community. As an active member of Bold Women Networks, she serves in the leadership of the Gilbert location. In that role, she’s tasked with leading meetings, connecting members, and supporting the charity coordinator with raising funds for the charity selected each quarter.

Emily is a graduate of Class XXV of Gilbert Leadership, and because of her extensive community involvement, she was nominated as Small Businesswoman of the Year in 2016. Emily is dedicated to building a legacy of community involvement and servant leadership through helping other sales and entrepreneurial professionals grow.

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employee experiences?

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